12. februar 2025
Ian Evatt trening

Trener Ian Evatt. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Spillerne må ikke la opprykksambisjonene ødelegge for godt og fornuftig spill kommende sesong.

Det er ingen hemmelighet at Ian Evatt og Bolton har som mål å komme på direkte opprykksplass denne sesongen. Men det kan være skummelt å la dette overstyre tankene.

-I’m expecting it to be extremely difficult and challenging. On paper, everyone will say it looks a little bit easier than last year but paper and football don’t go together!, sier Boltons trener til The Bolton News.

Videre sier han:

-There is a huge difference between ambition and entitlement and it is really important we keep our feet on the ground and have huge ambition but not feel like we are entitled to anything.

Evatt er svært klar over at spillerne hans vil være markerte menn fra det øyeblikket de starter mot Lincoln City på lørdag.

-We already had a reputation of being a fantastic football club with wonderful facilities. But I think the way we play, people now show us a lot of respect on the pitch. That can be challenging, sier Evatt til avisen.

Avsluttnigsvis sier treneren:

-We are highly ambitious and we all know what we want to achieve, but we are not entitled to do so. It is important that we all stay on the right marker – we are ambitious but not entitled.”