13. februar 2025

– Dårlig andre omgang

Neil lennonNeil Lennon er ikke svært fornøyd med laget etter 2-0 tapet borte mot Ipswich tirsdag kveld.

– We had some good chances in the first half, but our second half performance was unacceptable.

Første omgang er Lennon delvis fornøyd med.

– I was pleased with the way we played in the first half. Yes, we conceded a sloppy goal, but we were doing well and were very much in the game. We just didn’t show up in the second half.

Les også: Jay Spearing – We need to be better

Selv om Bolton tapte, har Neil Lennon tro på at det går å snu trenden.

– We have an important game against Bristol City at the weekend and we’ll do all we can to win. I still believe we can turn this situation around.

Jay Spearing er skuffet over lagets resultater.
Jay Spearing er skuffet over lagets resultater.

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