13. februar 2025

Darren Pratley tror på bedring

Darren Pratley

Kaptein Darren Pratley var endelig på banen etter skade. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Darren Pratley. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Darren Pratley senses belief around Bolton that the club will soon start climbing the Championship table.

“I’m not on social media so I don’t read into all that sort of stuff but I can only sense on a match-day what fans are feeling,” he told The Bolton News.

“When we beat Sheffield Wednesday you could sense people picked up and even walking around the town people were saying ‘good win’ and normally in the Championship when you’ve won one game in 11 or 12 you just wouldn’t get that.

Les alt hva Pratley sa her.