24. januar 2025

Enda en ny spiller inn portene

John McAtee

John McAtee er den niende signeringen til Bolton denne sommeren. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Dagen før seriestarten signerer angrepsspiller John McAtee (25) for Bolton Wanderers.

McAtee er hentet fra Luton Town som har hatt denne spilleren i sitt eie. De siste to sesongene har han vært på utlån til henholdsvis Grimsby og Barnsley.

Tiden i Barnsley vil bli husket for hans 16 scoringer.

– John is someone that I have a lot of respect for and we have tracked his career for a long time now. He’s had to do it the hard way and has been on a bit of a journey in his career, and I really like that. He’s had to work his way up before going on to have a great season at Barnsley last year, sier Ian Evatt, Bolton trener, til bwfc.co.uk.

Videre sier treneren:

-I really like the way he plays the game and the intensity of his work. He’s pacy, an excellent presser but also has excellent movement in-behind and can stretch oppositions. He’s a goalscorer too, and we needed to add more of that to our ranks. It’s a huge signing for us as we’ve had to fight off a lot of competition to get him.

John McAtee har skrevet under en tre års avtale og er den åttende signeringen for Bolton Wanderers denne sommeren.