13. februar 2025

Laget er klar for Play-off

Ian Evatt

Boltons trener Ian Evatt. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Boltons trener,Ian Evatt, mener Bolton er på vei inn i sluttspillet i ideell form.

En spennende 3-2 seier over Bristol Rovers på bortebane sikret en femteplass for de Bolton og en semifinale mot Barnsley som skal spilles over to kamper.

Les hele Match report fra Bristol Rovers – Bolton her

-The victory is most important and we carry momentum through into the play-offs. I think it’s a really exciting play-offs with four very good teams. We are one of those and we’re looking forward to it, sier Evatt til bwfc.co.uk.

Videre sier han:

-I think we’re coming to the boil at the right time. We’ve got key players returning from injury, which make a huge difference to us, and we managed to rest some bodies today. We’re excited. We’re going to attack it and we’ll see how far that takes us. We’ve lost one game in the last 10. We’re in good form.