Er positiv selv etter 1-1 kampen i første play-off kamp
Det ble bare 1-1 hjemme mot Barnsley lørdag ettermiddag. Nå venter en vanskelig bortekamp.
-I am happy because we weren’t at our best. I think there’s a lot more to come from us. I feel really positive. I know we can play a lot better than we did today, sa trener Ian Evatt til etter at kampen på UniBol var over.
Det var bortelaget Barnsley som tok ledelsen etter 63 spilte minutter. Så fikk Dion Charles ballen i mål for Bolton etter 67 minutter.
-They will feel they’re in a really strong position. But I feel we’re in a really strong position. They managed the game really well. But the game will be slightly different on Friday. The onus will be more on them, being the home team, and more pressure and that could arguably suit us better, sier Evatt videre.
For kamp 2 i semifinalen for en play-off finale går fredag 19. mai klokken 21. Denne kampen kan du se på Vsport2.
-We’ve won some big away games this season and I feel really positive that we’ve not been anywhere near what we can be and still got a result, avslutter Ian Evatt.