15. februar 2025
Tap mot Rotherham

Nytt tap for Bolton. Denne kangen borte mot Rotherham. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Nok et tap for Bolton Wanderers lørdag ettermiddag. Treneren mener alle må ta ansvar nå. Video i saken.

Det ble 3-1 tap borte mot Rotherham. Ian Evatt sier at dette er ikke på grunn av en person.

– It’s a collective thing. I will always take responsibility for my part and my share of the things that are going on, but it isn’t just down to me or one man, sier treneren til bwfc.co.uk.

Les hele Match report her

Evatt sier videre:

– I don’t say anything publicly different from what I’ve said to the players. They know exactly where I’m at. Whether they like it or not it’s down to them, but it’s the truth.

Du kan se hele intervjuet av Ian Evatt nederst i saken.

The Boltons news Marc Iles skriver at Boltons supportere på tribunen ropte på treneren avgang.

«The mood among the 2,166 who had made the effort grew darker with each passing minute in the second half, and though Rotherham seemed content to hold shape and let Bolton make the mistakes, they did find a third goal before the end. 

Chants were aimed at Evatt from all sides before the end as the home supporters also joined in with the animosity, Bolton’s resistance reduced to practically nothing by the end.»

Bolton holder sin 10. plass på tabellen.

Neste kamp for Evatts menn er EFL trophy kampen borte mot Lincoln City tirsdag 14. januar med kampstart kl 20.