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Boltons plass på Wembley. Foto:
I kveld, lørdag 18. mai, skal det skje. Enten forblir Bolton i League one, eller spille Championship neste sesong.
Klokken 17.15 spiller Bolton Wanderers mot Oxford United på Wembley i årets playoff finale til Championship. En kamp du kan se på Vsport 3 eller følge «live» i vårt Livesenter.
Dette er noe av det trener Ian Evatt sa til før kampen.

– It would mean an awful lot. When I first took over the club, when we picked this giant up from ground zero really, the main focus and the first primary target was to get back to the Championship. It’s a brilliant club with a wonderful history and a fantastic fan base we just want to make them proud.
Videre sier han:
– Material things obviously matter but you can’t take material things with you and things that last forever are legacies and records and results and if we win on Saturday no one can ever take that away from us. We will have achieved promotion to the Championship and that will be written into this club’s history.
Han avslutter om kampen på Wembley:
– But we know it’s the best place to win and the worst place to lose and we know that all the hard work we have put in will be undone and forgotten if we don’t get the job done. It’s as simple as that. Football can be a cruel game. But we’re excited by it, we’re looking forward to it and our focus is where it needs to be.