Et unødvendig uavgjort

Bolton skulle spassere inn en trepoenger 11 mot 10. Men sluttminuttene var ikke de beste.
Det ble 1-1 borte mot Cambridge tirsdag kveld. Bolton hadde egentlig kontroll på kampen med sine 11 spillere mot Cambridges 10. Men de siste 10 minuttene var ikke bra nok til å sikre seieren etter å ha ledet kampen frem til det 89. minutt.
– We’re frustrated because we expect and want to win games. We had this game in the palm of our hands and the last five or minutes we’ve just allowed them a way back into it. The only way that was going to happen was a set play and we conceded far too many of those. We’d done the hard yards. We’ve done what we needed to do, we’ve got the goal, they were down to 10 men, we just didn’t manage the last 10 minutes at all well enough, sa Boltons trener, Ian Evatt, til etter kampen.
Cambridge ble redusert til 10 mann i det 49. minutt og Boltons Aaron Collins satte inn 0-1 målet 10 minutter senere. I det 89. minutt fikk Cambridge sin utligning.
– The only way they were going to score was from a set-play, including long throws, and we gave away far too many of those cheap fouls and far too many throws when we had chance and opportunity to clear our lines and just play for territory and manage the game out. Eventually they scored. They’re a big physical team and the one time we switch off in the box by not defending those long balls they score and we’ve been punished for that, sa Evatt.
Neste kamp for Bolton er tirsdag 3. desember. Da kommer Mansfield Town på besøk. Kampstart er klokken 20.45.