25. januar 2025

Evatt etter seieren i sjette og siste treningskamp

Ian Evatt

Boltons trener Ian Evatt. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Lørdag ettermiddag vant Bolton over Championship-klubben West Bromwich Albion.

Det ble til slutt 4-3 seier i en spennende fotballkamp. Men Boltons trener, Ian Evatt, mener det er en del forbedringspotensiale.

-Not losing in pre-season, for me, is a huge positive. The last two games have been a huge step up in terms of quality from the opposition but also in terms of what we have done and achieved in the games. I think there is still loads to improve on but it is a huge confidence booster to the players to know that regardless of divisions, they can match these teams for large spells of the game, sier Evatt.

Les hele Match report her

Videre sier han:

-We are a team very much in a development stage, but we are a team that is functioning pretty well and we’re looking forward to next week.

For lørdag 5. august starter alvoret. Da er det første serierunde i League one og Bolton får besøk av Lincoln City.

Les også: Evatt etter uavgjort i femte treningskamp

-We are highly ambitious for next season, but there’s a huge difference between ambition and entitlement and we have to be humble enough to know we’re not entitled to anything. Yes, this club has a huge rich history. Yes. We’ve progressed all the time I’ve been here, but it doesn’t mean to say anything’s a guarantee. We’re going to work our socks off to make it happen. Obviously, our ambition is huge, but we must stay on the right side of that and maintain the ambition and not feel entitled, sier Evtt til bwfc.co.uk.