9. desember 2024

Evatt vurderte sin stilling

Ian Evatt

Ian Evatt. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Det var et hardt slag i ansiktet da Bolton ikke klarte å rykke opp. Nå åpner treneren opp.

Bolton hadde en gylden sjanse til å rykke opp til Championship da de spilte play-off finalen mot Oxford United i mai. Men det ble et 2-o tap.

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Nå forteller Boltons trener, Ian Evatt, at han vurderte å slutte.

-Did I look myself in the mirror and think: ‘Have I taken this as far as it can go?’ The honest answer is I had those thoughts, but every time I came back to the fact that I love being manager of this football club, I love working with the people I work with, Sharon and the board are incredible people, sier han i et intervju med The Bolton News.

Jeg er ikke her for å få venner, men å vinne.

– Ian Evatt

– The fans, the majority of them have always been very supportive of me. And I am not a quitter. I don’t quit. I haven’t finished the job I set out to do. I am not here to gain friends, I’m here to win. We didn’t get the job done last season but I feel it is my job to make sure it happens. We have to get better, we have to improve, and after those initial thoughts there is only one place I want to be and that is here, sier han videre i intervjuet.

Evatt aksepterer at det nå er et press på ham for å sette sammen et lag som kan utfordre om opprykk. Han er sikker på at han kan endre forrige sesongs spilleplan for å kunne nå målet.

– The position this football club is now in, financially, is incredible, and that is down to Sharon and the board, they need great credit for that,” he said. “Football is becoming a very expensive industry and League One is one of those leagues which has become crazy. We had an honest and open conversation. The board has been incredibly supportive since I have been here and never more so than this summer. We are going to be given everything we need to improve and achieve, and that is all I can ask as a manager. I am excited and we are in the best place, on and off the pitch, since I have been here in the off-season. Now we have to put it all together.

Hele intervjuet leser du hos The Bolton News.