8. september 2024

Flere vil beklage tapet

Gethin Jones vil også beklage at laget ikke klarte å rykke opp til Championship denne sesongen. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Først gikk Ian Evatt ut og beklaget tapet i playoff finalen. Neste mann ut er Gethin Jones.

Som alle har fått med seg tapte Bolton 2-0 for Oxford lørdag ettermiddag. Dermed blir det minst en sesong til i league one.

Det var mye følelser da forsvarsspiller Gethin Jones snakket med lokalpressen i mixed zone rett etter den tapte muligheten for opprykk.

– I’m speechless. Honestly, we are all devastated. We don’t know what has happened. We didn’t work the normal gameplan, do the patterns we’d normally do, we were slow. We are devastated for the fans, the whole club, sa Jones til The Bolton news.

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Gethin Jones sa videre:

– Honestly, we were trying to put our finger on it in the changing room and we all said the same, it was just the worst performance of the season. For that to be in the play-off final is bizarre.

Jones ble spurt om hva han ønsket å si til alle boltonsupporterne. Da sa han følgende til The Bolton news:

– We’d just say thank you for absolutely everything through the season, even today they were in top voice and pushed us to the end but it wasn’t to be. We apologise to them and we just have to look ourselves in the mirror now. It will be a very difficult five or six weeks.

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