15. februar 2025

Fornøyd trener etter cupseier

Fornøyd Ian Evatt

Boltons trener Ian Evatt. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Det ble avensement til neste runde i EFL Trophy etter 3-1 seieren over Huddersfield tirsdag kveld.

Etter en bølgedal av prestasjoner på banen i serien mener Boltons trener, Ian Evatt, at laget tok et steg fremover i kampen mot Huddersfield.

– I’m delighted with the performance really. I think that was their team bang at it. They came here to play, they came here to win and I’m just pleased for the players they showed the right energy, the right attitude, the right intensity; things that we’ve spoken about and from that performance earlier in the season, when we got beat 4-0 here which hurt us, that’s a huge improvement and a huge step forward, sa Evatt til bwfc.co.uk etter kampen.

Les hele Match report her

Han sier videre:

– “In the second half in particular I liked a lot of what I saw. The only thing I would say is that for all our good play we have to have rewards at the end of it and we missed three or four gilt-edged chances that have to be goals and then the scoreline probably reflects what some of our good play warranted. That’s the only critique tonight, that for all our good play we didn’t quite get the rewards that we wanted and warranted with the goals, but hopefully they will come on Saturday.

For lørdag 14. desember er det hjemmekamp mot naborivalen Wigan. Kampen starter allerede klokken 13.30.

Midtbanespilleren Klaidi Lolos satte det første målet for Bolton i cupkampen mot Huddersfield. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Målene i 3-1 seieren kom sent. Alle målene ble scoret av en Boltonspiller. Først i det 40. minutt satt Bolton inn det første målet. Det var Klaidi Lolos som fikk den. Så kom to mål fra Aaron Collins i det 83. og 88. minutt. Rett før slutt satte J. Dacres-Cogley ballen i eget mål slik at gjestene fikk seg et trøstemål.

Ian Evatt mener det er en mer besluttsomhet i spillergruppen nå.

-I think the players are getting better. There’s a steely determination in the group that we want to prove a few doubters wrong, but we know we have to do our talking on the pitch. It’s more actions than words at the moment and that’s where we’re focused. We just want to move on to Saturday and give it our best shot. We know what’s required, we know what we need to do. Now it’s down to us to go out there and execute it.