13. februar 2025

Godt resultat mot serielederen

Sheffield - bolton

Sterk 1-1 kamp borte mot serielederen fredag 17. mars. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Bolton klarte 1-1 borte mot serieleder Sheffield Wednesday. Dette var treneren svært fornøyd med.

-I thought we were outstanding. It was a really good performance. Lots to work on and kick on from. That has to be a marker for us for the last nine games of the season. It’s a really important point towards our tally. For me, regardless of the result it was all about the performance and that was lots, lots better, sier Ian Evatt til bwfc.co.uk.

Les hele Match report her

Det var hjemmelaget som satte ballen først i mål. Det skjedde etter 11 minutter. Men i det 36. minutt scorte Victor Adeboyejo for Bolton.

Boltonfansen støtter laget. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Evatt er også fornøyd med sine supportere.

-A special mention to our fans. I thought they were absolutely outstanding backing us tonight, sier han.