13. februar 2025

Onsdag 28. august 2019 kommer til å bli husket i lang tid. Klubben ble reddet!

Det har vært en nervepirrende tid for alle med hjerte i Bolton Wanderers.

Klubben stod for fall etter 145 år med fotball. Men i dag kom nyheten. Klubben har fått nye eiere og er dermed reddet fra katstrofe.

BWSCNs leder, Eirik Hiim Titland, skriver i en sms: «Endelig kom nyheten vi har ventet på. Bolton har fått nye eiere og tas ut av administrasjon. Gratulerer til alle våre medlemmer og ellers andre som har hjertet sitt i Bolton».

Her er dagens «statement» på bwfc.co.uk:

We are privileged to announce that negotiations to transfer the ownership of Bolton Wanderers Football Club and Whites Hotel are over and we have formally completed.

Throughout this lengthy and complicated process, we have remained focussed on completion of the deal and nothing else.

At times it has been difficult to keep our counsel but we took a decision to remain on the sidelines even when further damage was being inflicted by delays outside of our control.

Our thoughts were always with the club staff and supporters and we worked tirelessly behind the scenes to find an agreement and prevent even more stress and uncertainty for those who have suffered far too much over the past months.

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Now we are excited to begin restoring this magnificent football club to its rightful position, securing its future for the fans, the loyal club staff, and the players. 

We are thankful to the EFL for their willingness to support our efforts along with the PFA. We would also like to thank the University of Bolton and Bolton Council for their backing and Bolton Wanderers Supporters Trust for its understanding. 

We understand Phil Parkinson and Steve Parkin’s decision to leave the Club. They have behaved impeccably and loyally and we wish them both nothing but the best for whatever the future may hold.

It is now imperative that we commence the process of appointing a manager and strengthening the team with the right players to take the club forward.  

The true spirit of this football club rests with the fans, it is nothing without them. The support shown to the players during this season’s opening fixtures has been overwhelming. 

Les også: Bolton Wanderers takeover completed by Football Ventures consortium

It would be remiss of us not to say how saddened we are at the devastating news from our neighbours at Bury FC. Our hearts go out to the fans and the community.

Now the deal is complete, please be assured we intend to do all within our power to bring back a true sense of pride to Bolton Wanderers Football Club, which is the least the staff, fans, future generations of supporters and the community deserve.

Football Ventures (Whites) Limited