13. februar 2025

Ian Evatt om seieren i serieåpningen

Ian Evatt

Boltons trener Ian Evatt. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Lørdag ettermiddag ble det 3-0 over Lincoln på hjemmebane. Treneren er godt fornøyd.

Evatt sier at tre poeng i åpningskampen var bra, men han så ting som må rettes på.

-There were parts of it not to like, believe it or not, we lost a little bit of discipline in the last 20 minutes when the game was over – and I just think we need to have that ruthless streak within us. But it is only the first game so I will give them an inch, sier en fornøyd trener etter kampen til The Bolton News.

Les også: Bolton 3-0 Lincoln City

Videre sier han:

-We did some good things, I am pleased to score from two set plays because it is something we have taken pride in of late. I think some of our general play was excellent, particularly in the second half some of the moves were smooth, crisp and sharp. There is still a lot to work on but it is a decent start because they are a difficult side to break down, you can see that from their defensive record last year. 


-Goals change games and our record when we score first is very good. We dominated today and I did feel we had another gear to find if we needed it. 

Les Match report her

Laget har blitt kritisert for mangelen på mål fra dødballer under Evatts tid som manager. Men de viste en markant forbedring i andre halvdel av forrige sesong og i dag ble det mål på hjørnespark og et godt innlegg.

-There will still be some who say we should have scored from three set pieces, I’m sure, but that is the nature of the game we are in, sier Ian Evatt.