8. september 2024

Josh Sheehan er klar til å gi alt for opprykket. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

I kveld starter kampen om opprykket. Nå skal spillerne gi alt for klubben.

Målet denne sesongen var direkte opprykk. Når det ikke skjedde, skal play-maker Josh Sheehan og resten av Boltonspillerne nå gå «all in».

– We were disappointed because we believed we could have been in the top two. But we’re confident going into this now. If we can turn up and show what we’re about we’re a confident group and we feel we can get the result. We have been working all week on our game plan, how we think they’re going to approach it and how we’re going to approach it, and we will be ready for Friday, sier Sheehan til bwfc.co.uk.

As long as we go up you don’t mind how you do it.

– Josh Sheehan

Han sier videre:

– We’re going to give it everything. The form’s been okay. We would have liked to have turned a few draws into wins but if we can do that in the next few games it will be good enough. All our thought process this week has just been leading up to this single game on Friday and then we know when we come back on Tuesday the fans will be there and they will be as loud as they’ve probably ever have been to try and help us get over the line.

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