25. januar 2025

Lånespiller signerte kontrakt

Dan Nlundulu Welcome

Laget av bwfc.co.uk

Han var på lån hos Bolton Wanderers siste halvdel av forrige sesong. Nå blir han. Video i saken.

Det er Dan Nlundulu som nå har signert en 3-års kontrakt med klubben.

Den 24 år gamle franskmannen er angripsspiller og fikk 13 kamper for Bolton sist sesong og scorte ett mål. Opprinnelig var det Southampton som var Nlundulus arbeidsgiver.

-I’m really looking forward to being back. I enjoyed my loan spell and I feel at home here. We initially had the conversation in the January transfer window and there was only one place I wanted to go and that was here. I’m happy that it is all done now, sier han til bwfc.co.uk.

Han sier videre:

-The way the fans have been has meant a lot to me and I want to pay them back now by performing.

Bolton trener, Ian Evatt, hadde stor tro på Dan Nlundulu og gav han tillit. Dette setter Nlundulu pris på.

-The gaffer is a big reason why I’m here. Football is all about confidence and the fact that I’ve got the manager backing me, that’s the best thing I can ask for. I’m thankful that he has put his belief in me, and I’ll be trying my hardest to pay him back, sier Nlundulu.