Må holde momentet oppe
Forsvarspiller George Johnston er fast bestemt på å ikke la forrige helgs gode jobb mot Reading gå til spille.
Bolton dro som kjent i land en svært god og etterlengtet seier hjemme mot Reading med 5-2 seieren.
George Johnston var en av katalysatorene for en avgjørende seier som tar Bolton inn i lørdagens kamp mot Crawley.
– Before the game I kind of imagined if there was anything I could do early on to get the team and the fans going it probably would be a tackle, sier forsvarspilleren til bwfc.co.uk og fortsetter:
– Thankfully the ball fell kind of perfectly between me and the other lad. I put everything into that tackle; strong but fair, never going into hurt anyone. It was something that helped the tone but it wasn’t just me. I think Szabi and Tommo put in some good tackles early on.
Johnston startet ikke Boltons sitt Carabao Cup-tap mot Arsenal, men er sannsynligvis tilbake mot Crawley.
– All the positives that came out of last week; they don’t mean anything if we don’t back it up this week. Our full focus is on Saturday and we’ll be doing everything we can to continue this momentum we picked up last week, sier 26. åringen til klubbens nettside,
Han sier at det vil bli en tøff bortekamp lørdag.
– These games away from home are always tough but I think we’ve adapted to them well over the last season or two. We know what to expect and know how to deal with those environments a bit better now. We are a bit more streetwise so hopefully we can step up to the plate and get the job done.
Kampen mellom Bolton og Crawley starter klokken 13.30 lørdag 28. september og du kan se den via Wanderers TV. Eller du kan følge den via vårt Livesenter.