Ny forsvarsspiller på plass

Forsvarsspiller Will Forrester. Foto: bwfc.co.uk
I dag kunngjorde Bolton Wanderers at Will Forrester har signert en 3-års kontrakt med klubben.
Will Forrester (22) kommer fra spill i Port Vale etter å ha gått gjennom akademiet til Stoke.
– I really enjoyed my time at Port Vale and I feel like a developed a hell of lot there. I owe all of the staff and the players there a lot for taking a chance on me from when I came from Stoke. The reason I went to Port Vale was to play football and now this move has come to light and hopefully I can go on and play even more in time. When this opportunity came to light it was one I couldn’t turn down. Bolton is a huge club and I want to be part of this club and hopefully get it back to where it belongs, sier Forrester til bwfc.co.uk.
Han sier videre:
– I’m looking forward to playing under the gaffer because I know they like to play football, so it suits me perfectly. When I knew about the interest, the first thing you look for is how does the team play? Bolton suits me down to a ‘T’ the way that they play, so hopefully I can go and show what I’m about and give the fans something to cheer about. I’m delighted to be here.