Ny hovedtrener er klar

Steven Schumacher er ny hovedtrener for Bolton Wanderers FC. Foto: bwfc.co.uk
Nå har Bolton Wanderers fått inn sin nye hovedtrener til A-laget.
Det er Steven Schumacher som har blitt hentet inn for å erstatte Ian Evatt.
Schumacher – en tidligere League One Manager of the Year – har signert en tre og et halvt års kontrakt hos Bolton.
Steven Schumacher er 40 år og har ledet klubber som Plymouth og Stoke City.
Styreleder Sharon Brittan sier følgende til bwfc.co.uk:
– I am delighted that we have secured the services of Steven on a long-term contract to become our new Head Coach and we warmly welcome him to Bolton Wanderers. Steven is the ideal candidate to carry on the excellent work previously done by Ian Evatt and his staff and build on the legacy put in place by them over the last few years. We are all excited for this next stage of our journey.
Om den midlertidige treneren Julian Darby, som ledet laget til to seiere på to forsøk, sier hun følgende:
– I would also like to thank Julian Darby, the coaching staff and players who have successfully bridged the gap over the past two games to help give Steven the platform to make his own mark at our wonderful club.
Schumacher selv sier at han er glad for å komme til Bolton Wanderers.
– This means everything to me. It’s a fantastic opportunity and I’m really grateful to be given it by Sharon and the ownership group. It’s a fantastic club with a rich history and the journey and the project here is something I can’t wait to get involved with. It’s been an interesting career journey for me so far and I’m now at a fantastic club, a club which I believe can go on and do great things this season and in the future.
Du kan lese mer om dette hos bwfc.co.uk.