Skal nå sitt mål
Ian Evatt innrømmer at han vil ta det personlig hvis sluttspillet ryker.
Treneren er fast bestemt på å nå sitt mål før sesongen som er å bli blant de seks beste. Han føler at laget hans vil være en farlig motstander for hvem som helst hvis de klarer å komme seg til Play-off.
-We set ourselves the highest possible target – and for us this season that was the play-offs. You have to remember this is our second season in League One, and where we were a couple of years ago. People may view that as an excuse but it isn’t, it takes time to rebuild, sier Evatt til The Bolton news.
Han sier videre:
-It took teams like Sunderland, Ipswich, Sheffield Wednesday many years and many millions of pounds to get out of this division. We are a long way along the process without spending anything like that. We have been in the top six since September, more or less, and it would be a real kick in the b*lls if we weren’t in the play-offs but it wouldn’t mean it was the end of the world.
Og skulle det ikke gå som treneren har som mål, vil det gå inn på han personlig.
-We want to get there and will fight tooth and nail. Nobody will be more disappointed than me if we don’t make it, I will take it personally. But my point is that we have still progressed.