Står samlet
Boltons trener, Ian Evatt, ønsker en positiv atmosfære og en samlet gruppe skal de nå målet om opprykk.
Sist lørdag ble det et skuffende tap mot Layton Orient. I dag, tirsdag 23. januar, skal Bolton Wanderers «reise kjerringa» hjemme mot Cheltenham Town.
– It’s not how you manage the wins it’s how you manage the defeats and, as a club, I’ve said all along that we really must stick together in difficult times and in the good times, sier Ian Evatt til
Evatt var skuffet over tapet mot Layton men vet at laget hans er bedre enn det.
– Saturday was disappointing. There’s no denying that, although we still had the best two chances of the game and they created very little. We know we can be a lot better than that, and we have been a lot better than that, and it’s about getting back to that performance level, sier han til nettstedet.
Bolton ligger i skrivende stund på fjerdeplass med sine 51 poeng. Øverst troner Portsmouth med 56 poeng. Men de har før tirsdagens kamp tre kamper mer spilt enn Bolton.
– Everything is still in our hands. We still got very good points per game, averaging over two points per game, which in my view will get you promoted. We’ve got games in hand and we’ve got ground to make up on others, but we’ve done that before and there’s no reason why we can’t do that again. It’s just about us really and focusing on ourselves and our process and if we can, and if we can play well, I believe the points will follow and that starts tuesday, sier treneren til
Kampen hjemme mot Cheltenham Town starter klokken 20.45 tirsdag 23. januar. Du kan se den på Wanderers TV eller du kan følge den inne på vårt Livesenter.