15. februar 2025
Fornøyd Julian Darby

Julian Darby, Boltons midlertidige trener, har vunnet to av to muliget etter at han tok over ansvaret. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Den midlertidige treneren Julian Darby har så langt hatt stor suksess. Video i saken.

Etter at akademitrenerne tok over ansvaret for Bolton Wanderers er det blitt to av to mulige seiere.

Julian Darby hyller sine spillere etter at de slo Northampton Town hjemme tirsdag kveld.

– We had to dig in. It wasn’t pretty, especially in the second half, but the lads stuck in. That showed spirit because things weren’t going fantastic for us but they dug in and then Aaron pulled something out of nothing and what a finish. At 3-1 they weren’t coming back into the game, sa Darby til bwfc.co.uk etter kampen.

Hele intervjuet med han sist i saken.

Les hele Match report her

Han sa videre:

– You’d take a few more of those before the end of the season. There will be times when we will play much better and get nothing, but that’s what happens throughout a season. You win some when you play poorly and you lose some when you play well. But three points is three points and we’re dragging everyone closer to us.

Pr nå ligger Bolton rett utenfor topp 6 på – målforskjell. Neste kamp er bortekamp mot Reading. Den spilles lørdag 1. februar og har kampstart kl 16.00.