25. januar 2025

Treneren var fornøyd med seier over Fleetwood

Victor Adeboyejo og Dion Charles

Kampens målscorere Victor Adeboyejo og Dion Charles. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Det ble altså en flott borteseier for Bolton Wanderers da de dro for å møte Fleetwood i romjulen.

Bolton målscorere var Dion Charles og innbytter Victor Adeboyejo.

– That was a proper performance. I’m so pleased with that, sa Boltons trener, Ian Evatt, til bwfc.co.uk etter kampen.

Evatt mener at dette kanskje var den beste kampen fra hans menn når man tar et fryktelig vær i betraktning.

Les hele Match report her

Bolton trener, Ian Evatt, var svært fornøyd etter kampen. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

– That was the best victory of the season in the circumstances. The weather, the storm, the pitch, was all against us really but I I thought we were so professional. I think we dominated both halves really, with the wind and against it. Obviously we were disappointed not to score in the first half but we stayed calm, stayed composed and did the business in the second-half, sa Evatt.

Ian Evatt mener 2023 har vært et godt år og håper at dette fortsetter slik at lagets mål, opprykk, kan nås.

– I think, in general, it’s been a good 2023, obviously with the Wembley win, getting to the play-offs last year and seeing us evolve again and improve this season. We know if we can replicate that in the second-half of this season then we have a great opportunity to get promotion and that’s our aim and ambition. But there’s a lot of football to be played and a lot of hard work to be done.

Neste kamp er allerede mandag 1. januar. Da kommer Burton Albion på besøk. Denne kampen kan du se via Wanderers TV, eller følg den her på vår nettside.