13. februar 2025

Unge spillere med proffkontrakt

Unge med proffkontrakt

Fra venstre: Sam Inwood, Youth Team Coach Julian Darby, Sonny Sharples, Head of Academy Dave Gardiner, Noah Halford. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Bolton Wanderers kan bekrefte at tre av deres Akademi-spillere har fått sine første profesjonelle kontrakter.

Forsvarer Noah Halford (18) og midtbanespiller Sonny Sharples (18) har signert avtaler for å forlenge oppholdet med Bolton Wanderers og flyttet inn i de profesjonelle rekkene.

Også 17 år gamle Sam Inwood har fått en treårig proffkontrakt med klubben.

-It’s fantastic for the Academy to see the three boys come through, all with different journeys. We’ve known Sonny since he was under-8s. He left us for a while but he came back and has really progressed, so he’s deservedly got his contract. Noah joined us at the end of his under-14 year and has come on leaps and bounds with great potential ,sier Wanderers’ Head of Academy, Dave Gardine til bwfc.co.uk.

Videre sier Gardine:

-And Sam is a really versatile player who came half-way through his youth phase who can play in a number of positions and it’s really exciting to see how far we can take him with the pathway we’ve got at the club now.