22. januar 2025
Ian Evatt

Bolton trener, Ian Evatt. Foto: bwfc.co.uk

Boltons trener, Ian Evatt, er svært fornøyd med å spille 0-0 borte mot Luton Town søndag ettermiddag.

Det var tredje runde i FA cupen og Wanderers skulle opp mot Premier Leaguelaget Luton på bortebane. Ingen av lagene fikk ballen i må og det betyr at de møtes igjen. Denne gangen på Boltons egen arena, Toughsheet Community Stadium.

– All we want to do is make our town and our support proud of the football team again and I think we’re a long way to doing that. It’s an extra game but why not? We’re in the hat. We will have to manage the extra game, sier treneren til bwfc.co.uk etter kampen.

Det var 1600 Boltonfans på kampen mot Luton og Ian Evatt håper på full stadion i omkampen.

– I would love us to sell that out and make it a really intense atmosphere, the same as Luton fans did for us today. In the second half they were almost sucking that ball into that goal, but we stood up to it and we deserve a replay and I’m looking forward to that game.

I’m delighted with large parts of today and I think a draw was a fair result

– Ian Evatt

Videre sier han:

-I think in the second half we had to ride our luck at times, but I’ve said a lot that hard work puts you where good luck can find you and we defended our box really well. I was delighted with the first half and I think we edged it really. We had some really important moments we didn’t quite take but I think we were comfortable with what we were trying to do and what the plan was.

Neste kamp for Bolton Wanderers er en ny cup kamp. Da er det ny bortekamp i EFL Trophy og motstander er Accrington. Kampen spilles onsdag 10. januar klokken 20.30.